Hi Linda, and welcome to YA Vampire Books!
1. Please tell us about your upcoming read Dreams Unleashed!
Dreams Unleashed synopsis:
It’s the near-future year of 2015, where technology governs life. In this dystopian world, governments control their citizens by tracking them with RFID. The right to personal privacy does not exist. The heroine, Ann Torgeson, having been trained by the CIA as a paranormal spy at nineteen years old, has enhanced abilities. Twenty-five years later, she lives a double life: first, as a technical writer for a tidal energy company in the Pacific Northwest, and second, as a member of the worldwide anti-government subversive organization, called GOG. When Ann’s vivid dreams turn real, she questions whether the doorway between her subconscious and reality has been permanently altered. When she starts to dig into her past, her present begins to unravel, leading the reader through events that twist and turn everything upside down. Question everything you know is essential in this trilogy.
I wrote this trilogy for the “thinking man or woman.” What do I mean? It’s a book that makes connections; everything means something. It’s not a mindless read. If you want to read a trilogy once, then re-read it again and gleen something new, this series is for you. It’s the trilogy that keeps giving. : ) I wrote these books as an “open trilogy,” which means that the reader needs to start the series at book one, because a lot of background for the whole trilogy is in book one. The books are not intended to be stand-alone. Since Dreams Unleashed is book one, and book two and three will also be published this year, it’s a good time to start the series.
Here are some quotes from book reviewers (after reading Dreams Unleashed):
“Ann is one of the most complex characters I’ve ever read…. The world is dystopian: the government is the evil Big Brother keeping people safe even against their will. Yet, the characters aren’t depressed or desperate. They try to live their normal lives which includes laughter, too.”
“The book really pushed me out of my comfort zone as I’ve never read any other book similar to this…. From the very beginning, the book kept me intrigued by its mystifying plot and excellent narration. I must laud the author for her ability to write her story in the finest detail, which makes the story sound somewhat believable. Everything was described superbly…. Overall, this novel is a real and pure page-turner.”
“The book has some references to current political figures and situations that make it very easy to get sucked into the story. The book is extremely well written and had my attention from the beginning to the end.”
“It's like a present that you are slowly unwrapping layer by layer.”
“If you put Dana Scully and Fox Mulder into a blender and hit puree, they’d make a mean Ann Torgeson. Dreams Unleashed was a great start to what I’m sure will be a fantastic book series. It poked fun at the TSA, and gave a frightful vision into a not-too-distant world where privacy truly is a thing of the past.”
“Linda Hawley blends science and metaphysics well together and creates a thinking story that kept me turning the pages. Action and suspense combined with philosophical discussion makes this book a winner.”
The print version and eBook versions of Dreams Unleashed were just

published, and area available at Amazon.com.
print book link: http://www.amazon.com/Dreams-Unleashed-Book-Prophecies-Trilogy/dp/1463517912/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1310087825&sr=8-2
eBook link:
Lulu, Ann's sidekick in Dreams Unleashed
2. Where did you get your inspiration for Dreams Unleashed? And why dystopian?
I wrote the final chapter of Dreams Unleashed first, based upon an experience I had. Once I wrote down the experience (in story format), my protagonist, Ann Torgeson, came alive. It was as though she was itching to live on the pages of a book. So much so that I don’t know if I can possibly let her go after the end of the trilogy!
Some of my favorite books are dystopian, as are my favorite movies. I love how the genre is dramatic, usually takes place in the future (like my novel), yet delivers hope. I like the action too.
3. The name Linda Hawley is probably new to most readers, please share some interesting facts about yourself!
I've sailed the San Juan Islands (which I wrote about in Dreams Unleashed).
I've kayaked from one island to another in the Carribean.
I've been to a Christmas party at the White House, and on Air Force One.
I am wild about organic gardening, have a huge garden, and even make my own hardneck garlic powder.
4. Dreams Unleashed is your first book, have you always known that you wanted to become an author?
It all started with a bookmobile! No kidding. Our family didn’t have much money (and zero allocated towards spending gas money to drive to the library, or buying books), so I would borrow books from the bookmobile that would regularly visit our neighborhood. I fell in love with Nancy Drew, and I bet I read most of the books in that bookmobile! I think that was when I really started to appreciate the written word.
I have been writing, however, since I was about five. I started by writing poems. (Early next year ten volumes of my poetry will be published.)
I have been a storyteller my whole life, and to be an author was my dream. It just took me a while to get published!
5. Dreams Unleashed is a dystopian book, set in 2015. How do you think the world will look like in say 2050?
I am a writer of the near-future, because I like to take current technology and apply it several years into the future. I cannot possibly imagine 2050! : /
'This or That':
Summer or
Winter – Summer (I love the sun, plus it makes things grow!)
Reading or
Writing – I love both equally, and cannot choose. : /
Past or
Future – Future (I love to have hope)
Lady Gaga or
Rihanna – Neither (Can I gag now?)
Three favorites:
Author: Justin Cronin
Book: The Passage
Movie: I Am Legend
Two Dreams:
Job: Honestly, I’m living it as a published author. If I can still publish my stories when I’m 80, I’ll be very grateful.
Vacation: Next year we’re heading to Paris as a celebratory trip (and research for a new book).
6. If any of my readers would like to find out more about you or your writing, where can they find the information?
You can read a free sample of Dreams Unleashed at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0051VDGJK
The print version of Dreams Unleashed was just published, and is available at Amazon.com.
link: http://www.amazon.com/Dreams-Unleashed-Book-Prophecies-Trilogy/dp/1463517912/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1310087825&sr=8-2
The eBook version of Dreams Unleashed is available for purchase now at $2.99 (for all eBook readers) at:
Smashwords, link: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/61373

Amazon, link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0051VDGJK
Barnes & Noble, link: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/dreams-unleashed-linda-hawley/1031408704
Linda’s website is: http://lindahawley.com/
Linda’s blog is: http://lindahawley.com/b2e/blog5.php
Thanks for stopping Linda, and good luck with your new release!