A boring or ugly cover could make me avoid reading a certain book, no matter how good people say it is. So for me, covers do matter. In Cover Combat I will compare US covers to the Swedish covers of the same books, to see which covers I like the most!
This meme is inspired by a meme I have seen on some other book blogs. For example Bloody Bookaholic and Wondrous Reads are comparing US and UK covers, and I Want To Read That is having Cover Wars on her blog. And I'm sure lots of other bloggers are doing similar posts! (Do you know who the creator is?)
Anyhow, it's time for YA Vampire Books' first ever COVER COMBAT!
Since the Swedish cover for Shadow Kissed, the third Vampire Academy book, recently was released, I decided to compare the US and the Swedish covers of the Vampire Academy books.
Here you go, the first three US. Vampire Academy covers:

And now, the Swedish Covers:

Which covers do you prefer?
To be honest, I love neither the US nor the Swedish covers. I like the US covers for Shadow Kissed and Spirit Bound (not pictured), but I'm not a big fan of the first two covers.
What I like about the Swedish covers are that you clearly can see that these books belong to the same series. I also like that the girl's eye color changes along with the pattern on the covers. (From red, to blue, to yellow). Though I have to admit that the yellow eyes look kind of creepy! :P I think the Swedish covers are intense, and scarier than the US covers, but the girl on the cover doesn't look like Rose to me. What do you think?
So tell me, which covers do you like the best?
And, do you think I should do more posts of this kind?
I like to watch international covers, but perhaps you don't! Please let me know what you think!
Fan(g) Girl
8 kommentarer:
I don't really like either, either (what?!). The US ones look like Days of Our Lives and the Swedish ones are too similar. =\
Ohh, fun! And sorry, girl, but I have to go with US. There's more variety, though I have to say what zombie girrrl said has some merit: there really isn't much variety in general. Not some of my favorite covers. XD
I'm US all the way. I would get the Swedish one's confused. A lot.
The Swedish covers are so creepy! But the US ones are so bland. However, the UK covers are really pretty, you should check them out! Great post (:
I love the US Covers. They look great!
Neither of them :) I like the German covers :)
of the two, i prefer the swedish ones. i would not have started this series based on the cover. however, the reviews is what caught my attention. despite the covers, i've enjoyed this series.
german cover is pretty good. it's the same in croatia, as well. by the way-love the books and blog :)
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