In honor of Valentine's Day I'm posting my favorite couples from YA Literature!

She's a quick witted and quick hitting guardian-to-be. He's her mentor and one of the best guardians in the world. Together, they are one bad-ass couple.
Alejandro & Brittany from Perfect Chemistry

Everyone thinks that she is a rich, beautiful and spoiled bitch, but under the beautiful surface, she is a not-so-confident girl with more than one problem.
Everyone judges him as a dangerous criminal gang member from the wrong side of the tracks, no one knows that he is determined to get out and away from his criminal lifestyle. Together - they might have Perfect Chemistry.

He is funny, laid-back, and the most popular guy in school. She is working hard; trying to keep up her straight A:s in school, and waiting tables at her parents' restaurang at night. When she suddenly ends up in acute cash trouble, they are forced to work together. As their business gets more and more illegal, their feelings for each other grow . . .
Rashel & Quinn from The Chosen (Night World #5)

She is a vampire hunter, determined to kill all vampires. He is a vampire who kills humans.
When they meet, it's love at first sight . . .

Constantly challenging each other for the leader position of their vampire gang, they are both surprised to discover that their feelings for each other might have developed from hate to . . . love.
Jess & Rob from 1-800-Where-R-U?

She's "lightning girl". He's on probation. She plays the flute, he's reparing motorcycles. They're from different parts of the city - and in detention together.
I've noticed that not a lot of people have read this series. Big mistake! I love this series, and I love Jess & Rob. Here's a little tease (from that hopefully will make you read this series!
" "Hey, sailor," I said. "Give a girl a ride?"
He just gave me his trademark Don't-mess-with-me frown, then popped open the box on the back of his bike where he kept the spare helmet.
"Get on," was he said, as he held the helmet out to me.
Like I needed an invitation. I snatched up the helmet, jammed it onto place (trying not to think about my sweaty hair) then wrapped my arms around his waist and said, "Put the pedal to the metal, dude."
He gave me one last, half-disgusted, half-amused look, then put his own helmet back on. And we were off."Gaah! I love these books! I love Rob! :)
* I also love Nicolette & Jared from Top Ten Reasons For an Unworn Prom Dress, Ian & Wanderer from The Host, Claire & Shane from Morganville Vampires, and probably many more I can't think of right now! *
Please, please, please tell me your favorite literary couples, I would love to hear who your favorites are! And then head over to Dark Faerie Tales where you can tell her the same thing - and at the same time entering her awesome Valentine's Day Book Massacre! Details below:
Welcome to Dark Faerie Tales first Valentine’s Day Book Massacre!
Tell us your Top 3 romantic couples or What’s your favorite love story? Why?
1 Grand Prize Winner (5 Books)
1 First Place Winner (4 Books)
1 Second Place Winner (3 Books)
1 Third Place Winner (2 Book)Giveaway ends Sunday, February 21st at 11:59 PM EST
6 kommentarer:
Yay for Alex & Brittany! Definitely one of my favorite couples.
I also really love Alanna & George from Tamora Pierce's Alanna series and Gen & Attolia from Megan Whalen Turner's Queen's Thief series.
I totally agree with Dimitri and Rose, but I haven't read any of the other books/series. Adding them to my wishlist now. ;)
The only pair I know is Rose and Dimitri and I really like those two =)
Great post! I ordered Perfect Chemistry a few days ago so I can't wait to read that one! I totally agree with Rose/Dimitri - they're one of my favourites along with Ron and Hermione. I adore those two mismatched Hogwartians! :D
Top 3 couples: Katsa and Po in Graceling
Sam and Grace in Shiver
Clary and Jace in Mortal Instruments
OMG!! Dimirti and Rose all the way baybee.... you know what your on about. Also Brittany and Alex are totally perfect together, can't imagine any other couple better except for the arfore mentioned one. I also totally love Ryden and Adam from Post Grad. such a great story, check it out if you haven't already.
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