"Top Ten Books I'm So Happy Were Recommended To Me"
(all those books you probably wouldn't have picked up without a good recommendation)
People don't recommend books to me very often, I'm mostly the one doing the recommening since I'm the biggest reader among my friends and family! There have been a few occasion when people recommended great books to me though, and this list lists the most successful ones!
1. The Princess Diaries - Meg Cabot
I would like to think my classmates who recommended this series to me almost 10 years ago. Maybe I wouldn't have discovered Cabot's great writing otherwise!
2. Mortal Instruments Trilogy - Cassandra Clare
Thanks to all book bloggers out there who convinced me to try this series!
3. Tomorrow Series - John Marsden
I believe someone recommended this series to me, can't remember who though! It is awesome anyhow!
4. Hex Hall - Rachel Hawkins
I asked my blog readers to recommend a book to buy - and this was the book most people voted for. Thank you!
5. Hunger Games Trilogy - Suzanne Collins
One of the many books my librarian has recommended to me during the last years. This is one of the few I liked!
4 kommentarer:
I bought the Mortal Instruments series as a birthday present for my younger sister last year or the year before(I can't remember). She loved them and told me to read them, I still have them here in my shelf. I guess I should read them as soon as possible.
I loved the Hunger Games ad Mortal Instruments :)
I need to get the first book in the Mortal Instruments Trilogy! I heard great things about it. ;)
Sara I still need to read the Mortal Instruments series. I've heard tons of amazing things on it and I totally feel like I'm missing out. I need to fix this fast! =)
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