Title: How To Catch and Keep a Vampire: A Step-By-Step Guide to Loving the Bad and the Beautiful
Author: Diana Laurence
Released: October 23, 2009
Who needs a book on dating a vampire?
Well, Bella Swan and Sookie Stackhouse to name just two. . .
Bella and Sookie are fortunate to have vampire boyfriends. But what the heroines of Twilight and True Blood don't have - and could use - is some advice on getting along with them. Everything they and every other red-blooded American girl (and guy) wants to know about finding a dreamy blood-drinker and keeping him is within How to Catch and Keep a Vampire: A Step-by-Step Guide to Loving The Bad and the Beautiful.
And who better to introduce mortal readers to the world of dating a 21st century vampire than a few mouth-watering immortals themselves? The cast includes: Ethan, with his aquamarine eyes and supernaturally seductive piano playing. Mordred, classically cruel, dark, and handsome, with a thing for black leather gloves. His entrancingly cute carrot-topped friend Adam, as sweet as Mordred is scary. Gunnar, with his rich, golden hair, and dastardly but delightful knack for getting his way. The experienced and fascinating Colin, with his exquisite latte-colored skin and exotic beauty. The eccentric but gorgeous Aidan, purveyor of ancient magic. And enigmatic Conner, with his deep, dark eyes and protective soul.
These undead charmers will win the hearts and minds of readers everywhere, and author Diana Laurence will be their expert guide.
My Thoughts:
* First off, I would like to send a huge thank you to Andy Sturtevant and Sellers Publishing for offering, and sending me, a copy of How To Catch and Keep a Vampire for review. Thank you! *
Now onto the review! How To Catch and Keep a Vampire is a great guide for everyone who has ever dreamed of dating a vampire (and seriously, who hasn't?). Diana Laurence guides you the whole way - from getting the attention of a vampire, to dating him, to keeping him and to maybe even become a vampire yourself!?
My reply: Well, naturally!
And here all along you've been afraid to admit it, afraid it was weird and shocking and indicative of your need to see a therapist. Nonsense. In point of fact, nothing could be more natural or understandable."
Diana is mixing tips on Vampire Dating's Do's and Don'ts with case studies from her own life as well as from her friends' lives. We get to meet several vampires, each with unique qualities and experiences, and Diana tells us what she learned from each relationship.
There are also several Q&A pages in the book, where you get the answer to everything from "Can a vampire fly or turn in to a bat?" to "Do vampires really sleep in coffins?"
Laurence's writing is clever, witty and charming. I recognized myself in several statements, she definitely hits the nail on the head more than once! Sometimes I even wondered if the author could read my mind, she knew exactly how I reacted, felt and thought when reading certain parts of the book.
So if you ever thought or dreamed about dating a vampire, or just want to learn more about them, this is the book for you! How To Catch and Keep a Vampire was released last week, so it should be available everywhere!
Rating: 4 of 5
Fan(g) Girl